Save the world by


Conservation of the environment for future generations

"Preserve the environment for Thai society, global society"

Promote, develop, conserve, and restore terrestrial and marine ecosystems, as well as biological diversity, to be complete, sustainable, and enriched. This involves enhancing knowledge, expertise, and knowledge exchange in the conservation of natural resources and the environment among governmental, private, and social organizations within the country and internationally. Activities such as training sessions, seminars, workshops, field visits, and other events will be organized to raise awareness among children, youth, and the general public, encouraging their participation in conserving natural resources and the environment.

We are taking small steps to make earth better planet

“Environmental conservation is not just the responsibility of the government and high-level organizations; it is the responsibility of everyone in society who must work together to create a sustainable society and a high quality of life in both the present and the future.”

Natural resources

Environmental conservation is a process aimed at protecting and creating a good environment for living organisms and humanity. This is achieved by reducing local waste, conserving energy, creating green spaces, improving air quality, enhancing water supply, and planting trees, among other measures. These efforts aim to provide the Earth with a suitable environment for sustainable living and long-term development.

Wind Energy

Wind harnesses moving air to generate electricity.

Renewable Energy

Renewable energy sources used to replace fossil fuels.

Saving Forests

Restore and conserve high-quality sustainable forests.

Saving Animals

Conserve rare and endangered wildlife species.

Energy Saving

Promote energy efficiency for the future.Clean energy for the planet.

Green Technology

Choosing environmentally friendly and pollution-free technologies.

Images of activities